April 5, 2014


Here are some day-by-day pictures of our magnolia tree in the side yard. This is one of my favorite parts of this house. The tree is right outside of our kitchen window, so over the last few weeks I have gotten to see it bloom while I drink my morning coffee. The petals are starting to drop now, I am curious to see what it will do next. Do magnolias have leaves?

We also have a ton of daffodils and some tulips in the front yard that I planted last fall. I love daffodils. And they have stayed blooming for so long!

I have been working in the garden a bunch recently. I planted a bunch of wildflower seeds in one of the raised beds last weekend and I have the rest of the beds planned. Lettuce, tomatoes, and bunch of different beans, plus more flowers. This afternoon my mom and I put down bark chips in between the beds to keep the weeds and the mud down. The yard is starting to come together!

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